22 billion gallons of manure: who’s responsible, where does it go?
We hear two questions about the factory farm industry often:Where do the billions of gallons of manure go?Who is responsible for the factory farms? The individual farmer or are corporations involved?
Winning Racial Justice
We’re fighting for an Iowa where you don’t have to be afraid that the police will stop you simply because of your skin color. We’re fighting for fairness and equality.
Stop Factory Farms
We’re doing everything we can to stop factory farms and corporate agriculture. Our air, water, and quality of life depend on it.
Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline
We’re fighting to stop the toxic Dakota Access oil pipeline because we need a clean energy Iowa!
Stop the Debt Trap
We’re fighting to stop payday lenders. These loan sharks drain millions from our communities by trapping people in high-interest loans. This is about protecting our families and communities.
Fight for $15
We have an incredible opportunity to raise the wage in Iowa. We need your voice: tell state legislators we need a $15/hour living wage today!