Racial Justice For All

Iowa CCI members organize and build power for an Iowa where Black people, Indigenous people, and all people of color can live without the fear of being stopped, detained, abused, or killed by police officers. We work for an Iowa where skin color is no longer criminalized, and where power and resources are put in the hands of the people.

CCI members are pressuring elected leaders to take bold action towards the future we need and deserve by sharing our experiences of racial profiling with city leaders in Des Moines and demanding a comprehensive ordinance to ban racial profiling in every Iowa town and city. Alongside groups like Just Voices Iowa, the Des Moines SURJ, we are rising up to demand true public safety.

Iowa CCI members are fighting for:

  • A statewide ban on racial profiling by police in every Iowa community that implements truly independent public oversight of the police. 

  • Neighborhoods that embrace true public safety, and utilize tax-payer dollars to fully fund schools, social services, and mental healthcare.

  • A change in Iowa drug policy, decriminalizing marijuana usage statewide. Until the Iowa Statehouse takes action on marijuana decriminalization, Iowa towns and cities must act to make marijuana enforcement the lowest-level law enforcement priority.

How can you help?

More information on the issues CCI members work on: