Join us at the Running Deer shelter at Scott County Park on July 22nd from 7:00-9:00 for a discussion on affordable housing and a screening of the 2022 documentary, A Decent Home.
While inflation stays high and wages stagnate, many Iowans are feeling crunched when it comes time to pay rent. For years, manufactured houses have been a solution for low and fixed-income folks, but corporate greed has started to smell money in the places people call home. When lives are on the line, we organize!
A Decent Home follows the lives and organizing efforts of mobile home owners across the country in their fight to protect the communities they live in from large corporations that attempt to purchase the land they live on and raise rent to unaffordable rates in the span of months.
Come hang out at the park for this inspiring doc and some CCI-style fun! We'll have good snacks and refreshments waiting for you. Hope to see you on the 22nd!
When: July 22, 2023 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: 18850 270th St
Eldridge, IA 52748