CCI member Eric Wessels: To Branstad: Put moratorium on new hog confinements

The Iowa Alliance for Responsible Agriculture came out last week asking for a moratorium on hog confinements [Iowans wanting improved water call for an end to factory farms, Sept. 22]. We know Gov. Terry Branstad doesn’t care about the environment, but he does care about corporate ag.The Pork Network recently published a report stating that farrow-to-finish operations lost $15 per head two weeks ago,  up $8 per head from the week before. Adding confinements will drive the value down even further. A moratorium will help the ag industry. We know they won’t do anything voluntarily, so Branstad should help them out.— Eric Wessels, Dallas CenterPublished in the Des Moines Register.


CCI member Jim Walters - Branstad, Republican-controlled Legislature are Iowa's ruin


CCI member Erich Riesenberg: How, exactly, will sales tax improve water quality?