Tell your representatives NO NAFTA

NAFTA: Putting family farmers out of business since 1994

Since NAFTA's start in 1994, "free trade" schemes have dramatically increased corporate profits at the expense of everyday people, including the hundreds of thousands of U.S. farmers who have been pushed out of business since its inception.

Join our letter campaign on Action Network! Send an email to your elected official now tell them to vote NO to NAFTA 2.0.

USMCA is nothing more than NAFTA 2.0. Tell your elected officials in the US House of Representatives to vote NO on NAFTA 2.0 (USMCA) until we have a fair trade agreement that works for workers, farmers, communities and our healthcare.

It is better to take the time needed to get this right then get it wrong and worsen the problems we've had for the last 25 years.

Right now, the political establishment is pushing for NAFTA 2.0, which will continue to maximize corporate profits at the expense of farmers, workers and communities.

Send an email to your elected official now tell them to vote NO to NAFTA 2.0.


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