It's time to make Wall Street Pay

On April 4, Iowa CCI members met with Representative Dave Loebsack's (IA-2) staff in Iowa City to urge him to join the growing number of co-sponsors to HR 1579 - the Inclusive Prosperity Act.  Our visit was in conjunction with dozens of similar actions across the country aimed at building momentum and support for common sense legislation that would finally begin to make Wall Street pay its fair share.

HR 1579 would impose a small sales tax (much like everyday people pay on daily goods and services) on Wall Street transactions, including high frequency trades, that could bring in hundreds of billions in new revenue a year - revenue that would be invested in creating new economy jobs and strengthening vital public services.

Our message to Rep. Loebsack was simple - this is how reduce inequality in the United States and get our economy back on track to serve everyday people.

Politicians these days talk about where they're going to find the money to do x, y, z... well, this is a solution" - Iowa CCI member Jeff Strottman

This is about Wall Street finally beginning to pay their fair share - Iowa CCI member Lynn Gallagher

You could defend a vote for this bill in any town in Iowa across political parties - Iowa CCI member Jim Walters

Join us in encouraging Rep. Loebsack and others in Congress to take a meaningful step in making Wall Street pay its fair share through bringing forward the Inclusive Prosperity Ac.t And stay tuned for more on what you can do this spring and summer to push our elected officials to champion policies that Put People First! 

Join the Fight!



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