
Iowans have united to respond to a humanitarian crisis at the border between the United States and Mexico.

Tens of thousands of migrant children are fleeing violence in Central America, mostly Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

Iowa’s Governor Branstad is not in favor of allowing these children into Iowa – but many, many Iowans feel differently. This is clear to those who drive east on I-235. CCI and community members created the display “#IowaIsWelcoming” on the bridge.‘

“I think for me the most important thing is to show that people in Iowa are compassionate and welcoming,” said the Rev. Alejandro Alfaro-Santiz, the pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church.’ The New York Times wrote about religious leaders across the US wanting to provide help to the children, many of whom meet requirements for asylum. The paper interviewed Iowa CCI member Alejandro who has been leading an effort to make the voice of welcoming louder than the voices of callousness.

Read the story, here.

CCI and community members gathered Monday, July 21 for an evening vigil. The evening was hot, and the church gathering spot had no air-conditioning. This was fitting, as Pastor Alejandro pointed out. Attendees experienced a small dose of the heat that those fleeing violence experience on their journey to the US.

Leaders spoke on the need to welcome the refugee children into Iowa. Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie cited a famous poem etched into a plaque on the Statue of Liberty:"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”Many have questioned why the spirit of welcoming seems to have been consumed by divisive rhetoric, particularly when thought about alongside the welcoming demonstrated by former Iowa Governor Robert Ray.

Some children seeking refuge are already in Iowa - that Monday evening that brought an overflowing church of people together made it clear that they are welcome

Tweet this story! Don't forget #IowaIsWelcoming.    

Polk County Sheriff Bill McCarthy has determined that Polk County will no longer honor federal requests to hold undocumented immigrants except when a judge has approved the move. This is the humane decision, and we applaud it. Please send Sheriff McCarthy words of thanks: polkcounty.sheriff@polkcountyiowa.gov


Gov Branstad met privately w/Big Oil on July 22


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