From pipelines to housing issues: along with CCI in Dubuque
Here in Dubuque County we're fighting for renters, farmers, and our planet against slumlords and hazardous CO2 pipelines.
This past Wednesday, 20 Dubuquers met and we came to a resounding conclusion - we need to take on Dubuque's largest housing offender and we need to stop the CO2 pipelines in our neighborhood.
Here’s three ways you can help take action with us for our people and planet:
Canvass with us in Dyersville on February 24th to get an eminent domain bill stopping hazardous pipelines past the Senate Commerce Committee
Share our petition to stop Section 8 discrimination with friends, family, and neighbors
From pipeline profiteers to slumlords we're fighting for people in Dubuque Co. and we need all the help we can get. While corporations think they have free reign in our backyard, we'll be fighting tooth and nail for housing justice and a healthy environment.