No manure on snow covered or frozen ground

Do you live in an Iowa community where your home or workplace is near factory farms or fields where liquid manure is applied? If so, we need your help holding factory farm polluters accountable.

From December 21 to April 1, factory farms with 500 or more animal units CANNOT apply liquid manure on snow covered ground.

Starting February 1st, the application of liquid manure on frozen ground is restricted. Applying manure in these conditions increases the risk of manure run-off that contributes to the over 750 impaired waterways in our state.

We need to protect our water from polluters like factory farms! The DNR does not have personnel checking for polluters.

If you see liquid manure being applied illegally, or if you see something that just doesn’t look right to you:

Let’s work together to achieve the goal of having safe, clean water for everyone. They dump it, we drink it, we won’t stop until they clean it up!


Last call to comment on factory farms!


Time to pass the Master Matrix