Bill Moyers talks 99% Spring (VIDEO)
George Goehl talks about fighting back.
Bill Moyers talks with longtime Iowa CCI friend George Goehl about how average people can fight back against the self-rewarding actions of banks and corporations.It's a great message. AND, if you pay super close attention you might be able to see a few Iowa CCI members in the background footage from the Showdown in Chicago and other actions.
Bill Moyers talks with community organizer George Goehl about how — and even if — average people can fight back against self-rewarding actions of banks and corporations. “If we want to shift our politics,” Goehl tells Moyers, “we have to make politicians who side with the big banks and the larger corporations pay a price for not siding with everyday people.” Goehl is a co-organizer of The 99% Spring, a national effort to train 100,000 Americans to teach the country about income inequality in homes, places of worship, campuses and the streets. Goehl is also executive director of National People’s Action, a network of grassroots organizations using direct action to battle economic and racial injustice.